So what’s new in Kim’s Home? 

Lucy, a Saluki, who came just before Christmas from a shed on an allotment in Durham, is not doing well.  She seems to have a severe case of demodectic mange stemming from a weak immune system.  I am hoping that this is the cumulative result of general neglect, having pups 5 months ago and then being spayed recently and that it will improve soon.  She is having lots of supplements and no chemical treatment in order to boost her immune system.  She has not been vaccinated.  At the moment she is getting balder by the day.   Please send her your best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Grace hasn’t been very well recently – though she seems to have rallied today.  If you remember, Grace came 4 years ago in a state near to death because of malnutrition and hypothermia.  We knew that this trauma had left its mark because she never grew a proper coat – just a fluffy undercoat.  Last September she developed SLO – Symmetrical Lupoid  Onychodystrophy, a condition whereby the nails all fall out painfully.  She is in remission now and her claws are starting to grow back.  But she will be on supplements and treatment every day for the rest of her life.  Your donations will help with this.  She’s been sick for the last 2 days but today ate her breakfast and it looks like all is well.

Emma, who was a feral dog and terrified of life, has become a bit of a diva and very attention-seeking.   She’s a worrier and I can’t get her to put on weight but she’s happy and running like the wind and being very bossy with me.

Biddy, our GRWE foster is still here.  She’s a beautiful gentle girl who is a good communicator.  We shall miss her when she goes.

George – there’s been a breakthrough with George, our token Jack Russell Terrier.  He was a dedicated chaser of joggers and cyclists.  But he has learned that, if he doesn’t take off after them, he will get a sausage.  And now he’s a reformed character.  Terriers are so bright and learn so quickly

Zak is getting very frail and demented. He still does 2 walks a day though and is generally in good health.  He must be about 14 at least now.

Tom is another very old dog – between 14 and 15.  He had a nice weekend walking with his former owner around the lake in Roath Park and then having cuddles and biscuits with her.  She now lives in a care home and is delighted to see Tom every weekend – as are all the other residents.

Freya will be 14 next month – I can’t believe that she is still with us because she’s a big breed dog and has had problems for many years.  But she seems to be getting stronger on her back legs.   Some days are better than others.  She can’t do the very long walks but she comes out twice a day.   She has to sleep downstairs away from the family though –not because I can’t get her up the stairs but because she might try to come down in the night and would fall.

All the other Kim’s Home residents are fine.   And, if they could, they would thank you for the support that they have had since we set up the website.  It does help a lot.

The donations received this month have enabled me to buy out a Saluki cross from Strayaid.  He was found as a stray in Bishop Auckland and thankfully not claimed.  He has the chance of a good life now when he moves next weekend to St Francis Dogs Home in Newquay Cornwall.   I still need volunteers for this trip, please:  Durham to Cornwall – it’s a big one.

All the dogs are going to be very happy this week because their favourite person, Francesca, my daughter, is coming to stay for a few days.   She spoils them rotten and they love her to bits.

That’s all for now, folks!  Thanks again for all your support.